In his first year with the club, Andrew Maggitti, CEC, Executive Chef of Rehoboth Beach CC, rebuilt sourcing programs, restructured a la carte menus and reengaged the staff.
Andrew Maggitti, CEC, On Making Important Decisions About Your Career
Andrew Maggitti, CEC, Executive Chef of Rehoboth Beach (Del.) Country Club, transitioned from one club to another during a global pandemic. Here’s why.
How to Lead During Challenging Times
When crews are operating in crisis mode, Andrew Maggitti, CEC, Executive Chef of Chartwell G&CC, says chefs must focus on calming them down so they can focus on the tasks at hand.
How to Build a Seasonal Menu Cooking by The Season
Some clubs are more adventurous than others when it comes to seasonal ingredients, but if members want seasonal menus, chefs must bring in the best ingredients available.
Club Chefs: Reflect on 2019 to Improve for 2020
Andrew Maggitti, CEC, Executive Chef of Chartwell G&CC, offers resolutions and self-reflection tips to make 2020 your best year yet.
Maximizing Revenue for The Holiday Season with To-Go
Andrew Maggitti, CEC, Executive Chef of Chartwell G&CC, has developed a to-go holiday program that subtly reminds members their club is always there to support them.