The Country Club of Detroit recently spotlighted a significant milestone in its summer member magazine, In Good Company, celebrating the 20th anniversary of its Executive Chef, Brian Beland, CMC. The article offers a compelling look into Beland’s career, providing valuable insights for the broader culinary community as well as members and colleagues.
Beland’s career trajectory is defined by dedication, continuous growth, and a steadfast commitment to culinary. From his early days as an intern at the Country Club of Detroit, Beland has evolved into an elite chef, holding the American Culinary Federation’s prestigious Certified Master Chef (CMC) designation—a title earned by only a select few. His journey from a young, eager intern to an accomplished leader at CCD underscores the importance of perseverance, professional development, and the value of mentorship.
The article delves into pivotal moments that shaped Beland’s career. His early mentorship under Doug Ganhs was instrumental, guiding him toward the Culinary Institute of America and, ultimately, the CMC exam. The narrative of his professional ascent offers a blueprint for chefs, illustrating how dedication to craft and a commitment to learning can propel one’s career forward, even in the face of challenges.
The article itself provides two critical lessons. First, it highlights the importance of clubs and resorts recognizing and celebrating the achievements of their leaders. Such recognition not only strengthens a chef’s bond with the club but also enhances the club’s reputation as a place that values excellence and loyalty. Second, Beland’s experience underscores the need for ongoing professional development. His dual role as Department Chair and Chef Instructor at Schoolcraft College exemplifies the power of education in refining skills and fostering the next generation of culinary talent.
The Country Club of Detroit’s decision to feature Beland in such a prominent way sets a noteworthy precedent for how clubs can honor the contributions of their tenured leaders. This recognition goes beyond celebrating individual success; it reflects the club’s commitment to culinary excellence and the people who bring that vision to life.