True Aussie Lamb sponsors this episode of Master Class.
In this episode of Master Class, sponsored by True Aussie Lamb, Michael Lamping, CEC, Executive Chef of Dallas Athletic Club, demonstrates how to prepare a Stuffed Australian Lamb Leg with Pistachio, Greens, and Apricot served with natural jus, fondant celery root with pistachio pesto, saffron tomato, red & green harissa, and butternut squash with mustard and pink peppercorns.
Click below to view Lamping’s recipe for Stuffed Lamb Leg with Pistachio, Greens, and Apricot served with natural jus, fondant celery root with pistachio pesto, saffron tomato, red & green harissa, and butternut squash with mustard and pink peppercorns.
Stuffed True Aussie Lamb Leg with Pistachio, Greens, and Apricot
served with natural jus, fondant celery root with pistachio pesto, saffron tomato, red & green harissa, and butternut squash with mustard and pink peppercorns
Click here to view the recipe