On the soccer field, the true measure of success isn’t winning the next match; it’s about preparing for the journey ahead. As a youth coach, my philosophy is to train players so thoroughly that they can choose which team they want to play for. My aim isn’t just to win the next game; it’s to equip them with the skills, confidence, and resilience to excel on any field they step onto.
This mindset is rooted in empowerment—ensuring that when the whistle blows, they don’t just participate; they prove they belong.
The most successful chefs I’ve encountered share this same approach with their teams. They don’t just train their staff to get through the day; they invest in their growth, challenge them to reach new heights, and prepare them for the future. These chefs understand that when their team members apply for their next job, it shouldn’t be a matter of chance or competition—it should be evident that they are the right choice because they’ve been trained to be the best.
As we finalize the agenda for the 2025 Chef to Chef Conference, which will be held in Baltimore from March 23rd through March 25th, this same philosophy is guiding the decisions we make. My goal is to ensure that every session, speaker, and event delivers the depth, insight, and inspiration to empower attendees to forge their own paths with confidence.
Just as I strive to prepare my players for any field they might step onto, I want the chefs who attend Chef to Chef to leave fully equipped to tackle their next challenge, implement new ideas, and lead their teams with confidence. Chef to Chef isn’t just about sharing knowledge—it’s about fostering a sense of purpose and direction that will resonate long after we leave Baltimore.
Just as I coach my players to look beyond the next game, I encourage every chef to take the long view—train your team not just for today but for their careers ahead. Think of the Chef to Chef Conference and all the content we produce as your playbook for long-term success.
The field is yours for the taking.