Vanilla Bean Ice Cream with Chipotle Caramelized Pineapple
Yield 50 oz. (10 5-oz. servings)
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour
Amt Ingredient
2.5 oz. Granulated sugar
2.5 oz. (¼ cup) Water
1.75 oz. Minor’s® Chipotle Flavor Concentrate 6×14.4 oz.
20 oz. Pineapples, skinned, sliced
20 oz. Vanilla ice cream
1. Whisk sugar, water and Chipotle Flavor Concentrate together in a large stainless steel rondeau.
2. Place pineapple in pan carefully, as not to overlap the pieces. Let simmer on low heat until slightly caramelized. Remove and reserve pineapple.
3. Place 2 slices of pineapple in a bowl. Scoop ice cream on top and drizzle each portion with 1 Tbsp. of sauce from cooking liquid.
4. Garnish and serve.
Chef’s Tip: Peaches, nectarines, bananas or mangos may be substituted. Serve warm with a garden salad.