Changes in the dining industry brought about by the escalating costs of ingredients and products along with health and environmental concerns continue to drive the eating habits of diners. Social media has also changed the way food trends start and spread, and with new trends creeping up every week and forgotten the next, there are still many that are able to maintain a place on menus. The dining industry moves quickly with increasing pressure for industry leaders to keep up with the changing trends.
Childhood Comforts
In times of uncertainty, it is quite natural to find relief in comfort food. As communities deal with hardships and times of stress, comfort food is consistently in higher demand. Chefs are using the best ingredients and techniques to execute simple, comforting meals that remind diners of better times. By adding a reimagined take, chefs are taking it up a notch or even adding a fine dining twist to favorite comfort classics. Chefs are also remixing versions of childhood favorites that are more wellness-focused as well as recreating vintage and nostalgic dishes throughout the century.
Localized Approach
Supporting the local food movement has not only become a trend, but a necessity due to the disruption of the supply chain. With supply chain hurdles, chefs are taking a creative approach toward minimizing waste and creating flavors from the ingredients themselves. Chefs are focusing on streamlining menus with a localized approach that will keep in line with what is locally fresh and readily available within the community. Many chefs are also focusing on the food industry’s impact on global warming by avoiding products and foods that bear unnecessary carbon outputs or even excessive packaging.
As more of the population is becoming increasingly health-conscious, vegetables are replacing meat to make healthier alternatives with the same great taste as the original recipes. The plant-based meat industry continues to gain popularity due to the creation and distribution of meat substitutes. The increased popularity of vegetables and plant-based products makes room for chefs to get creative by putting a spin on traditional dishes in new and interesting ways.
International Influence
Chefs are also finding new opportunities to integrate international cuisines into their menus. There has been an increase in Nigerian and Filipino cuisines influencing chefs as well as the new fusion cuisine Itameshi, where Italian meets Japanese. In general, chefs are fusing Japanese ingredients or culinary techniques with foods they love from their surroundings. The hot-and-sweet combination continues to be a trend, but the more savory-salty side of flavors along with sweet notes is on the rise. This is a trend that chefs are utilizing to make unique dishes and while these funky, savory ingredients mixed with sweet may seem strange they add a unique depth of flavor.
Specific ingredients and dishes that are trending for 2023 include ube, the purple yam from the Philippines; laksa, the coconut curry noodle soup from Malaysia; plant-based pasta alternatives; pandan-flavored sweets, the fruit tamarind, dates, crispy chicken skins, and regional pizzas.
When it comes to trends, diners now want newness, something fun, and they want natural options. With the supply chain challenges, staffing crisis, and higher cost of goods, chefs have turned to simplicity, versatility, escapism and resourcefulness to innovate and streamline their menus while staying current with industry trends.